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Who Rules Over You?

I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe. I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me, but he comes so that the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me.

John 14:29-31

It seems that wherever I turn, I see evil and deception. I sense that we are living in what are probably the most confusing times known to humanity where up is down and down is up. We know from Scripture that humankind has been down similar roads when the prophet Isaiah proclaims a cautionary warning to those who consider evil as good and good as evil (Is 5:20). Hundreds of years later, Paul exhorted a similar message to the people when he warned the audience that those who commend and encourage evil deserve to die (Rom. 1:32). These are the types of passages that cause me to take a step back and examine myself. What do I really believe? Am I wrapped up in the ways of this world? Do I compromise the Gospel of Christ just to keep peace? Do I remain silent when I see that something is not right?

It is not easy to speak up, especially when no one wants to hear that what they believe is wrong. It is easy to swim with the current of popular beliefs, but it takes effort and courage to swim against the current of societal norms and dogmas. Over the last 50 years there has been a concerted effort in the westernized world to discredit any belief in the Bible and the Judeo-Christian faith. As a consequence of the Church's reluctance to stand for Truth, the entire world is struggling as a result of the successes that progressivism has had on the westernized world. The voices of evil have become louder and more militant as time has gone by and the Church has continually retreated and compromised the Truth with a watered down and neutered Gospel of the Christ hoping not to offend anyone. It is interesting how those yelling and screaming derogatory messages at the church do not care if they offend anyone.

The beauty amidst all of the mixed messaging is that God does not change, even though the world around us does. He is faithful and sovereign. He has given us free will and we can choose whether to be faithful in return. In these last days, it is imperative to come to know God through the reading of Scripture. He will not lead anyone astray. He promises wisdom and discernment for those who seek it from him. He is not a God of chaos and confusion. Ask yourself, are you living in fear amidst the current madness? Are you believing lies over truth because discovering truth takes time and effort? It takes time and discipline to seek out truth and few take that path and that will be their ultimate demise. Do not let that be the decision that you make, choose to seek the truth in all categories and it is there that you will find what God has known all along. Do not allow the lies of the enemy rule over you.



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