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For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.

“What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying? And if he should find it, assuredly, I say to you, he rejoices more over that sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray.

Matthew 18:11-13

Even in the direst of circumstances God does not leave us hopeless. The created order was originally very good as the Creator set into motion a world that would allow for us to interact with Him and with the world around us. This unbelievable gift was greatly distorted when Adam and Eve decided to challenge God’s word in disbelief and their position in the created order (Gen 1:26, 3:4-7). After their disobedience the whole of creation was uprooted from its original intent. It did not take long before the first recorded incidence of jealousy and murder took place (Gen. 4:1-10).

As mankind multiplied, their wickedness began to take root in their hearts and minds (which as we know today, their thoughts and behaviors literally changed their DNA expression). The people became lawless, and their perversions increased. A total disregard for the natural order of creation was normalized and people no longer remembered the imago deo with which they were originally imprinted. God was greatly grieved to see how far his crown of creation had strayed from his intended purpose for them (Gen. 6:5-6).

The world was never meant to be a violent place, but we do not have to look far before we see not only violent behaviors that are fueled by jealousy, greed, and hatred, but we also find sexual violence imposed upon innocent children and those who are, by nature, weaker. If that is not bad enough, the wicked have been very successful at profiting from selling human beings to be used for all sorts of perverse activities. Human trafficking is a worldwide problem, but out of all the countries on this planet the greatest perpetrators are the westernized and wealthiest nations. It is shameful.

For those of us who have not been touched by such atrocities it is easy to turn our heads and to not get involved. God, however, sees everything (Gen. 16:13). He sees the violence, the pain, the tears, the loneliness, and the desperation to be loved.

The victims of these crimes naturally become hardened and will have lifelong psychological difficulties and scars. Their innocence has been violently taken away. The pain is very real, but with our mighty Creator there is hope and there is the promise of new life. Fortunately, many Christians have answered the call to use their gifts to help these severely abused human beings to realize their worth in the midst of the created order. Our God is the God who sees everything, even the wicked heart of the perpetrator and the evil schemes devised by the enemy behind closed doors and the dark recesses of their hearts. Rest assured, that their will be justice in the end, but until that time we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ to use our gifts boldly to bring Truth into this dark world.

What will you do today to make this a better world for those who are not in the position to help themselves?



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