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A video series that aims to tackle the real life dilemmas that we all face as Christians. We need to educate ourselves and others or become enslaved to the world and its deceptions.

Episode 123
FOOD IN THE BIBLE with Amanda Powell
Eating the way God intended will greatly benefit your stamina and life.
Eating the way God intended will greatly benefit your stamina and life.

Episode 122
Paul warns us that we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against the powers and principalities of this dark world. Many Christians do not want to admit that there really is a darkness over this world and would like to pretend that everything is beautiful and harmless. In reality, we live amidst violence and unjustness. Unless Christians expose the darkness, the world will become darker and more tyrannical.
Paul warns us that we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against the powers and principalities of this dark world. Many Christians do not want to admit that there really is a darkness over this world and would like to pretend that everything is beautiful and harmless. In reality, we live amidst violence and unjustness. Unless Christians expose the darkness, the world will become darker and more tyrannical.

Episode 121
THE HISTORY OF MAN with William J. Federer
If we forget our past we are destined to repeat our mistakes and eventually this will lead to our death and destruction. History reveals the destructive nature of mankind. The advancement of technology has evolved to make it easier for tyranny to not only become more powerful but to place the future of humanity at stake. The nature of man does not change. Join me as William J. Federer speaks frankly about our future if we do not wake up and take what is currently happening to our country seriously.
If we forget our past we are destined to repeat our mistakes and eventually this will lead to our death and destruction. History reveals the destructive nature of mankind. The advancement of technology has evolved to make it easier for tyranny to not only become more powerful but to place the future of humanity at stake. The nature of man does not change. Join me as William J. Federer speaks frankly about our future if we do not wake up and take what is currently happening to our country seriously.

Episode 120
KNOWING GOD, ABOVE ALL ELSE with Courtney Silberman
Since 2012, Courtney has been the founder of EWC (Encouraging Women for Christ), a ministry dedicated to presenting the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, to anyone who wants to learn more about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. She has a passion for sharing the love of God with others and to provide encouragement through the truths of Scripture. God has invited her to lead many Bible study groups, write study guides, and to share God's Word at local church events.
Since 2012, Courtney has been the founder of EWC (Encouraging Women for Christ), a ministry dedicated to presenting the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, to anyone who wants to learn more about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. She has a passion for sharing the love of God with others and to provide encouragement through the truths of Scripture. God has invited her to lead many Bible study groups, write study guides, and to share God's Word at local church events.

Episode 119
It is difficult to believe that murder of the unborn has become one of the most convoluted issues of our time. Murder advocates have become violent and dangerous that it is difficult to discuss the issue in a civil manner. It has become such an issue that those who demand abortions at any stage of an unborn child’s life does not stop with an individual’s personal decision, the supporters of this death cult want to make sure that every tax paying citizen must participate in this murder by paying for the services through their taxes. This becomes a moral dilemma for Christians. Do we participate in this death cult (which is much like the pagan worship to Molech) to help murder the unborn or do we take a stand for the dignity of life? Father Frank Pavone has spent his career fighting for the life that God has given each human even at the point of conception.
It is difficult to believe that murder of the unborn has become one of the most convoluted issues of our time. Murder advocates have become violent and dangerous that it is difficult to discuss the issue in a civil manner. It has become such an issue that those who demand abortions at any stage of an unborn child’s life does not stop with an individual’s personal decision, the supporters of this death cult want to make sure that every tax paying citizen must participate in this murder by paying for the services through their taxes. This becomes a moral dilemma for Christians. Do we participate in this death cult (which is much like the pagan worship to Molech) to help murder the unborn or do we take a stand for the dignity of life? Father Frank Pavone has spent his career fighting for the life that God has given each human even at the point of conception.

Episode 118
America was founded on principles that recognized a Creator and that every human deserves dignity. The ‘Black Regiment’ represented the understanding that once a people are under a tyrannical rule, they will have to fight to the death to regain a status as free people. The ‘Black Regiment’ were the pastors who recognized that the tyrannical rule of England wanted to keep their heavy hand on the people who fled to this new land, and the pastors were ready to fight alongside the people for their freedom and God given liberties. Rev. Cook is raising awareness to clergy across the nation that it is time to rise up and fight once again before Christians find themselves completely silenced and enslaved to the threat of Communism that is quickly encroaching our country.
America was founded on principles that recognized a Creator and that every human deserves dignity. The ‘Black Regiment’ represented the understanding that once a people are under a tyrannical rule, they will have to fight to the death to regain a status as free people. The ‘Black Regiment’ were the pastors who recognized that the tyrannical rule of England wanted to keep their heavy hand on the people who fled to this new land, and the pastors were ready to fight alongside the people for their freedom and God given liberties. Rev. Cook is raising awareness to clergy across the nation that it is time to rise up and fight once again before Christians find themselves completely silenced and enslaved to the threat of Communism that is quickly encroaching our country.

Episode 117
Not many churches in America talk about the gift of prophetic understanding. If you come from a Christian background, like I have, chances are that you are not used to hearing about prophetic gifts. We are told in the book of Joel and the book of Acts that in these last days there will be many signs. These signs include a pouring out of God’s Spirit for prophetic understanding. When we are in-tuned with our Creator, we will not only know what he has for us to do, he will show us how the signs of the times are connecting with the Bible.
Not many churches in America talk about the gift of prophetic understanding. If you come from a Christian background, like I have, chances are that you are not used to hearing about prophetic gifts. We are told in the book of Joel and the book of Acts that in these last days there will be many signs. These signs include a pouring out of God’s Spirit for prophetic understanding. When we are in-tuned with our Creator, we will not only know what he has for us to do, he will show us how the signs of the times are connecting with the Bible.

Episode 116
WHY APOLOGETICS? The Art Of Defending Your Faith with Dr. Doug Potter
As Christians, it is mandated in Scripture for us to be able to give a reason for our faith, (1 Pet. 3:15). However, this is an art form and takes truly understanding what you believe and why you believe it. Join me as I sit down with Dr. Potter and discuss how to begin learning and becoming a strategic weapon for God’s kingdom.
As Christians, it is mandated in Scripture for us to be able to give a reason for our faith, (1 Pet. 3:15). However, this is an art form and takes truly understanding what you believe and why you believe it. Join me as I sit down with Dr. Potter and discuss how to begin learning and becoming a strategic weapon for God’s kingdom.

Episode 115
The growing mental health crisis is at a critical state. Reed sees a dire need for mental health coaches for the LGBTQ community and other marginalized groups like the elderly. As Reed has walked through his own transition of becoming a new creation in Christ, he has noticed the lack of qualified support for those who have been greatly traumatized and feel the need for spiritual formation. Reed wants to encourage the Christian community in the church to pick up this missing piece to help people recover and to grow not only mentally but spiritually as well.
The growing mental health crisis is at a critical state. Reed sees a dire need for mental health coaches for the LGBTQ community and other marginalized groups like the elderly. As Reed has walked through his own transition of becoming a new creation in Christ, he has noticed the lack of qualified support for those who have been greatly traumatized and feel the need for spiritual formation. Reed wants to encourage the Christian community in the church to pick up this missing piece to help people recover and to grow not only mentally but spiritually as well.

Episode 114
BIBLES IN SCHOOLS with Hannah Sailsbury
Meet Hannah Sailsbury, warrior for God’s word in school libraries. Most people have heard about the radical sexual diversity groups and how they have infiltrated our school libraries with pornographic books written for children. Isn’t it time that as Christians we also seek equal shelf space? Many children are desperate to read God’s word, maybe you too can join Hannah to make a difference for God’s kingdom.
Meet Hannah Sailsbury, warrior for God’s word in school libraries. Most people have heard about the radical sexual diversity groups and how they have infiltrated our school libraries with pornographic books written for children. Isn’t it time that as Christians we also seek equal shelf space? Many children are desperate to read God’s word, maybe you too can join Hannah to make a difference for God’s kingdom.

Episode 113
WHO IS JESUS? Why Is This Important? with Andy Bannister, PhD
How many times have you wanted to share or explain Jesus to someone, but felt tongue-tied or worried that you would not have the right answers if asked something complicated? The Christian faith is pretty straight forward, but sometimes we tend to make explaining it a complicated task. Dr. Andy Bannister gives tips and guidelines in his recently released book on how to share Jesus. Join us as we discuss the art of sharing Jesus with others.
How many times have you wanted to share or explain Jesus to someone, but felt tongue-tied or worried that you would not have the right answers if asked something complicated? The Christian faith is pretty straight forward, but sometimes we tend to make explaining it a complicated task. Dr. Andy Bannister gives tips and guidelines in his recently released book on how to share Jesus. Join us as we discuss the art of sharing Jesus with others.

Episode 112
HOSPICE CARE with Chaplain John Wenderlein
Many of us have had to be caregivers to those that we love at the end of their life, and it can be very difficult and emotionally taxing. Chaplain Wenderlein gives advice with his years of experience.
Many of us have had to be caregivers to those that we love at the end of their life, and it can be very difficult and emotionally taxing. Chaplain Wenderlein gives advice with his years of experience.

Episode 111
Many of us were not raised in churches that focused on God’s Holy Spirit and our heavenly language. Paul speaks about this in 1 Corinthians 14. Granted it does make people who have not been exposed to this gift of worship, but it is a beautiful tool that God has given to us through his Holy Spirit. Dr. Jackson explains what happens in our brain when we are focused on prayer and what happens when we speak in tongues.
Many of us were not raised in churches that focused on God’s Holy Spirit and our heavenly language. Paul speaks about this in 1 Corinthians 14. Granted it does make people who have not been exposed to this gift of worship, but it is a beautiful tool that God has given to us through his Holy Spirit. Dr. Jackson explains what happens in our brain when we are focused on prayer and what happens when we speak in tongues.

Episode 110
Gospel of Luke: Authenticating The Man with John J. Peters, PhD.
There are many critics of Scripture out there and one of the big questions is; Who were the actual writers of the New Testament? For several decades now liberal scholarship has done everything that they can to discredit many aspects of the Bible, including suggesting that the writers of the New Testament wrote their books long after the original disciples had been martyred, or in John’s case, died. Dr. Peters’ most recent book is not only bringing the author of the gospel of Luke into focus, but is also getting much recognition in the community of biblical scholar’s. Join me as Dr. Peters discusses his findings.

Episode 109
JESUS AND POLITICS with Bunni Pounds
Government is an institution founded by the Creator. We are all meant to be involved in righteousness which means that anytime we are involved with cultural issues that present various opinions then we are getting involved in politics. God is political and Jesus the Messiah was highly political. We are all called to be involved in the culture around us. How else will the light of God shine in the dark culture around us? Join me as I talk to Bunni about her call to get involved.

Episode 108
If you are paying attention to the world around you and you have a moral compass based on a respect for human dignity, then you have noticed something very wrong with our education system. This problem did not happen overnight. It has been a systematic and intentional perversion of the education system in the United States. Dr. Fred Snowden invites you to get involved to save the next generation.

Episode 107
All that we have, we have because God has allowed us to have it. So how do we honor God with our talents and financial circumstances? Meet entrepreneur Rylee Meek, as we discuss the reality that God wants us to succeed at what we do.

Episode 106
If you have wondered what to say or how to help your friends or loved ones that have been swept up in the transgender ideology movement, Laura has answers for you. Join me as I sit down to chat with Laura Perry Smalts about her journey.

Episode 105
MASS IMMIGRATION: Changing The Face Of America with Tony Gurule
America is asleep at the wheel and unless we speak up about the danger that we are in, we will completely lose our country. Do not be gullible and blind. There are many layers to the massive takedown that is happening as I type this up. One of the groups that have been concertedly flowing over the United States boarders are Islamists. This is not an accident. They have been given the green light to slip in to this country without detection. They are well funded and well organized. When they are given the green light, they will have not mercy on you or your family. Christian apologist, Tony Gurule sits down with me to explain what we can do as Christians.

Episode 104
Who will the Antichrist be? This has been on the minds of millions of Christians around the world for centuries. Every generation has had reason to believe that the some world leader in their day would certainly be this Antichrist that is mentioned in the Bible. Because of this, there are many Christians who have decided to disregard the signs of our time and just live life as if nothing is going on. In reality, there has never been a day and age like we are living in today. Never before have all of the warning signs and the technology needed for a one world government to rise up. There are signs of corruption and a psychopathic group of powerful individuals who are manipulating governments all over the world to form a single governmental power that would control all life from cradle to grave using technological resources to control thoughts and the ability to buy and sell goods for survival. Join me as I sit down with Dr. Douglas Hamp who has meticulously worked out how all of the world events and technological advancements are pointing to the Last Days as referred to in the prophetic books of the Bible including the Book of Revelation.

Episode 103
NEPHILIM: What is The Government Hiding and Why? with L.A. Marzulli
One of the strangest passages in the Bible is found in Genesis 6. The Bible mentions a type of person called the Nephilim in a very odd way. This human hybrid is up for debate in academic circles. However, these hybrids were dark creatures that were later described as Gigantes in the Septuagint. L.A. Marzulli has spent his career in ministry on exploring these mysterious creatures that are given more of a definition in the Book of 1 Enoch, (which is not part of the canon). Unfortunately, every time a group of archaeologists finds unusually large human type bone structures the government seems to confiscate the artifacts. Why?

Episode 102
America has long enjoyed peace and prosperity on its own soil. We have been tremendously blessed. Unfortunately, those days are over. Every man, woman, and child will now have to push back against the tide of tyrannical measures that have seeped into the fabric of our culture. While most hard-working Americans were raising a family and starting businesses as productive members of society, plans were being implemented and made to tear down every institution that made this country prosperous and one of the safest places to live. Marxist ideologies took hold of many of the young adults and many politicians convinced the average tax paying citizen that a bigger government would make the U.S. a better place. This was not so. What did happen is that God was intentionally replaced by government and “social justice” programs made people poorer and encouraged a victim mentality. Join me as I chat with Don Black and Rev. Jack Stagman about reclaiming this country for God the way the founders had intended.

Episode 101
Jesus told us, in Scripture, to look out for the signs of the coming last days. Every generation of Christians has believed that they were in the last days, and rightly so. Jesus told his disciples that the last days began while he was here on earth. Never in human history, however, have all of the signs been converging they way that they are in our time. The mark of the beast has never before been as possible as it is today with digital currency and injectable nanobots that assemble inside the human body and can connect to the ‘internet of things.’ What if there is not a rapture before the difficult times ahead? Will you be prepared? Chuck and I discuss the times in which we are living.

Episode 100:
Invasion: It Is Global - Mass Immigration Is Deliberate And Dangerous with Mark Sutherland
Every westernized country around the world with the exception of the islands are being invaded by illegal immigrants at the taxpayer’s expense. This is a deliberate push by the globalists (like G. Soros and his cronies) who are doing their best to destabilize first world countries to gain world dominance through the façade of the WEF, UN, and WHO. Join me as I check in with film producer Mark Sutherland from the UK to learn about what is happening across the Atlantic.

Episode 99:
Revelation: How Do We Prepare? With Dr. Michael Lake
What are the signs of the end of the age? How do we prepare? Join me as I sit down with Dr. Michael Lake and discuss the Last Days according to the Bible.
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