Warrior Leadership
What makes a Warrior Leader? Being a pastor of a congregation is hard work and my hat is off to those who faithfully prepare messages to be delivered to the church every week. A warrior leader, however, is the pastor who will not compromise the Word of God, no matter what. The warrior leader does not shy away from the rampant wickedness in the culture, no matter who becomes uncomfortable. The Warrior Leader has his eyes open and does not shy away from the cultural issues that are a threat to Christians. He recognizes evil and prepares his congregation on how to boldly make a difference in a hostile deadly world.
Warrior Leaders
Share The Warrior Leaders That You Know About
I want to recognize the Warrior Leaders that are preparing God's Church to stay focused on the great deception that lies ahead. Jesus warned that there would be great deception in the last days. If you have a pastor who is sharing information that will prepare you to stand firm in the face of great adversity, then please fill out the contact form and send me a link to their sermons and we will add them to this page.